
Phone : 0821 – 4270121
Email: edustesmysore@gmail.com

Governing Body Members

About us

The Carmelites of Mary Immaculate [CMI] is the first indigenous religious institute of India. It had its humble beginning in the first half of the 19th century, when two zealous and God experienced men - Fr. Thomas Palackal and Thomas Porukkara - started a spiritual movement at Mannanam on May 11th 1831. They were inspired by God to restore religious life of the St. Thomas Christians.

Contact Address

St. Thomas Education Society
Carmel Bhavan
Shivaji Main Road,
N.R. Mohalla, Mysuru,
Karnataka - 570 007
Phone : 0821 – 4270121
Email: edustesmysore@gmail.com

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